Morning Break: IBM’s Watson Teams with CVS, ADHD Meds, Mental Health Days

What’s the logical next challenge after beating Jeopardy’s top players? Make Americans healthier — at least that is the stated reason for Watson, IBM’s supercomputer, teaming up with CVS.Children with medicated attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are less likely to have injuries that land them in the ER.


Not your typical checklist for a teenager heading off to college:Harvest eggs before completing the transition from female to male.Drugstore giant CVS faces a lawsuit over alleged overcharging for generic drugs, as filed in a California federal court.Oh, the benefits of gravity: Replacing sitting time with standing time improved blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and — waist circumference.More bribery allegations against GlaxoSmithKline, this time in Romania.The discovery of five distinct subtypes of prostate cancer could pave the way for more specific, individualized treatment.


Work can drive you crazy, or at least to take a sick day for mental health reasons, according to a Swedish study.A British teenager offers a cautionary tale about a popular cosmetic procedure known as HD brow treatment.Five men with permanent paralysis had voluntary leg movement following spinal cord stimulation via external electrodes.Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has come out in favor of a single-payer healthcare system, the first announced candidate in either major political party to do so.After several cases of prescription mistaken identity, the FDA has warned healthcare professionals about confusing two very different drugs that have very similar brand names: the antidepressant vortioxetine (Brintellix) and the antiplatelet drug ticagrelor (Brilinta).


Having prevailed in a Massachusetts court, the American Society for Nutrition will proceed with retraction of a study of two forms of beta-carotene as a source of vitamin A for children, published in 2012 in the society’s flagship publication, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.Cutting back on calories hasn’t necessarily translated into better dietary habits



Morning Break: IBM’s Watson Teams with CVS, ADHD Meds, Mental Health Days