How to Get Rid of Human Urine Smell

How to Get Rid of Human Urine SmellSource:

Let us consider a number of techniques and methods that will help you to get rid of and otherwise eliminate this highly noxious and unwelcome human urine smell from your toilet, clothes, mattresses furniture, and floors et el.

  • Using an Enzyme Cleaner

Enzyme cleaners are a very effective way of get rid of urine smell in any place. One of the best enzyme urine remover cleaners is Xion Lab’s Bio Enzymatic Stain & Odor Remover. It uses advanced molecular odor control to eliminate urine odor, and not just mask it with deodorant. Xion Lab’s enzyme cleaner works on Carpet, Floors, Furniture, Fabrics, and around toilet and urinal fixtures. CLICK HERE for more information on Xion Lab’s Bio Enzymatic Urine Remover.

  • Cleaning clthes

When trying to learn how to get rid of human urine smellfrom your clothes, it is always best to keep the urine strained ones away from other dirty items off daily wear. It is also best to wash these clothes in a proper washing machine rather than by hand, to minimize exposure and thereby risk infections. Keep them separate till all stains and odors have been completely removed.

  • Add a pound of baking soda

You should add a pound of baking soda to your regular detergent when washing your stained clothes because it is a good method when it comes to figuring out how to get rid of human urine smell from your wearable clothing items. You should set the machine to the regular setting and wash as usual. Alternatively, you can also simply consider increasing the amount of machine detergent you use when washing clothes by a quarter of your usual limit. This will help eliminate the ammonia excreting bacteria.

  • Air dry all such clthes whenever possible

However, this exercise should only be undertaken if the weather is nice, warm, and completely dry outside. The clothes should be left on the clothesline during daylight hours in an area where the sun can shine directly on them. It will help if it is suitably windy outside, as well. This is because both sunlight as well as a nice and light breeze can be highly effective at neutralizing and removing most bad odors including the smell of human urine. Sunlight can kill off any residual bacteria and the breeze can ensure that their nits are dislodged from the clothes.

How to Get Rid of Human Urine Smell