is gynecomastia the most trending thing now?

is gynecomastia the most trending thing now?

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition in which men develop too much breast tissue, resulting in the appearance of feminine breasts. While not frequently discussed, this condition is not uncommon. In fact, it’s found in nearly 70 percent of male teens.
Dr. Mikhail Berman is a trusted and honored low testosterone specialist that has helped men in Palm Beach Gardens and the surrounding area to attain hormone treatments and remedies. His goal is to make sure that hormone conditions and imbalances do not go unchecked. During the utilization of low testosterone therapy and dietary hints and guidance, Dr. Berman has helped men who are coping with too much breast tissue.

Testosterone Therapy Palm Beach Gardens Fl

Whilst particularly noticeable in the ones that are obese, this problem is definitely not restricted to those who are carrying a couple of added pounds. Regardless of the man total weight, excess breast tissue can result in intense embarrassment and anxiety and while exercise is helpful to overall wellness, it does not always help to get rid of the condition. The reality isthat it’s frequently only HRT that can provide relief.
Luckily, an excess of breast tissue doesn’t present an immediate health issue. With that being said, it may signal a serious imbalance of hormones in the body, and this may cause a plethora of other issues if not addressed. Because of this, it is important not to wait to pursue the necessary treatment.
How Can Hormone Therapy Treat Excessive breast Tissue in Men?
Both estrogen and estradiol are responsible for the growth of breast tissue in men and women. In men, it’s testosterone that prevents the rise of the breasts from moving too far. Because of this, testosterone injections and treatment are often employed as a remedy for the condition. By incorporating more testosterone to the blood, low t issues can be corrected as well as breast tissue decreased.
While aging and gradual testosterone reduction is inevitable, this doesn’t indicate that it’s necessary to take that this hormone change, not pursue treatment. In reality, it’s important that you don’t.
Aging can be difficult for many, as the consequent issues can be broad ranging and important. Not only can guys expect to gain weight and breast tissue, but psychological acuity can diminish, muscles and bones may weaken, and one’s interest in sexual activity can diminish. Erectile dysfunction and reduced libido, when resulting in less sexual activity, can go on to lead to more hormonal issues and difficulties.

Through the use of testosterone injections, men of all ages can once again experience the health and energy of youth.

Should you find yourself experiencing any of these telltale signs of low testosterone, don’t wait to pursue the necessary therapy. Call the office of Dr. Berman now at (561) 841-1837 to learn more about your choices and to schedule a consultation in our welcoming clinic.
is gynecomastia the most trending thing now?

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