narcissist with low sex drive

narcissist with low sex drive

Can Low Testosterone Levels Lead to a Very Low Sex Drive?

A lesser than normal libido may be due to a number of causes, but perhaps the most frequent is a dip in testosterone levels. Testosterone has an immense part in both the libido as well as other bodily and psychological functions in the body. Hormones, in general, play an extremely significant function in the entire body, and a disruption in these levels may lead to many undesirable side effects.

At around thirty decades of age, a decrease in levels begins, sometimes leading to symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, depression, and so on.

Testosterone Therapy Palm Beach Gardens Fl

While it may seem readily apparent that a reduction in testosterone for a sex hormone would decrease libido and sexual function, the importance of testosterone doesn’t end there.
How are Testosterone Levels and Gender Drive Connected?
As testosterone is the principal facilitator of libido as well as the maintenance of the sexual organs, it’s no surprise that a drop in the amount of testosterone can result in erectile dysfunction and a reduced sex drive. While this happens, the consequences may be great for not only sexual health, but general wellbeing as well.
You might be surprised to learn exactly how large an effect sex can have on health. Studies have demonstrated that men who have sex at least twice per week are at a significantly reduced chance of cardiovascular disease and other issues. Those of us who don’t engage in sexual activity at least one time per month show as much as a 50% gain in the incidence of cardiovascular-related problems.
When guys are able to keep a healthy sex life, they report better sleep, reduced stress, and general improved disposition. Additionally, but it’s been shown frequent sex may even reduce the incidence of prostate cancer. Due to the value of testosterone to men’s health, it’s imperative that proper treatments be hunted when hormones dip under optimum levels. Don’t wait if you’re experiencing symptoms; seek a reliable and respected physician like Dr. Mikhail Berman.
Schedule a Consultation
While periods of reduced sexual interest are normal, extended symptoms can signal a deeper problem that needs professional treatment. If you are one of the numerous guys who finds himself coping with erectile dysfunction, depression, high stress levels, or tiredness, it is possible that you’re living with reduced testosterone levels.
Dr. Berman is a fully licensed supplier who has more than 30 decades of experience helping guys that are experiencing a low libido and other symptoms related to low testosterone and other hormone-related issues. His combination of conventional and contemporary methods makes his strategy quite distinctive in its ability to provide secure, efficient, and lasting consequences for individuals.
Do not feel like you want to stay with your symptoms any longer; instead, give our practice a phone at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation. Dr. Berman will take some opportunity to supply you with a complete exam and analysis, and will discuss all treatment choices with you. He wants nothing more than to make sure your improved health and wellbeing. Call Dr. Berman now to schedule a consultation. Call -LRB-561-RRB- 841-1837.
narcissist with low sex drive

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