where should hrt patches be placed

where should hrt patches be placed

What’s HRT for Guys?

It’s never simple when you find yourself facing uncomfortable problems like fatigue, depression, or erectile dysfunction. It can be hard to admit these problems to yourself as well as more difficult to bring them up with a physician. Blaming yourself for symptoms like these might look like the easy thing to do, but the fact of the matter is that there might be a good deal more happening.
Believe it or not, hormonal issues are often to blame when it comes to low libido, insomnia, and even mood swings in men. When testosterone, specifically, starts to dwindle, the problems can be important and far reaching. Luckily, however, a solution does exist, namely testosterone replacement therapy from a licensed physician like Dr. Mikhail Berman.

Testosterone Therapy Palm Beach Gardens Fl

When testosterone levels decrease with age, it might be a indication of andropause, or male menopause, that’s marked by reduced libido, mood swings, exhaustion, and even bone or bone fatigue. While important stigma was once attached to the period in a man’s lifetime, that has started to change. Nowadays, an increasing number of men are confronting these issues head on and following treatment from an testosterone specialist like Dr. Berman.
How Can Male Hormone Replacement Work?
At your first consultation, Dr. Berman will conduct a thorough physical evaluation and will order the blood tests required to determine your body’s levels of testosterone, thyroid hormones, estradiol, estrogen, prolactin, and progesterone. By so doing, the goal is to better understand both your blood flow and also the composition of your blood and hormone levels in order that appropriate action can be forced to fix any issues.
While there are a number of factors that could affect testosterone levels, including height and weight, the simple fact is that there’s often little a person can do by himself to improve testosterone and eliminate symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency. Instead, the help of a male hormone replacement specialist is most often demanded.
The endocrine system is a complex and complex system that is operated in a series of feedback loops that require proper hormone levels to function. When disruption occurs, the results are often serious and hard to fix without low t therapy.
Schedule a Consultation
While helpful, hormone replacement therapy isn’t a treatment that needs to be entered into without consideration.
Since the body is so dependent upon appropriate hormone levels, it’s all too common for the body to experience difficulties when a disturbance occurs. However, far too many men tend to ignore the indicators and/or not correctly identify their cause. That is why it’s really imperative to seek out a hormone replacement specialist like Dr. Berman.
Over his 30 years of experience, he has seen and worked with many men that are dealing with everything from weight gain and gynecomastia to erectile dysfunction and low libido. With each of his patients, he takes the opportunity to understand their symptoms and requires in order to supply the best possible care. After performing a comprehensive consultation with a whole physical and blood examinations, Dr. Berman is much better able to offer testosterone injections and dietary advice meant to help restore hormone levels and health to both the human body and brain.
If you’re one of many guys in the Palm Beach Gardens area who’s living with symptoms of low testosterone, do not wait; call the office of Dr. Berman now to schedule a consultation. Contact us now at -LRB-561-RRB- 841-1837.
where should hrt patches be placed

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